
Bath time can be a great time to play and bond with your baby. In the first 2 weeks of a baby’s life, when their umbilical cord stump is still attached, we recommend that you give your baby a sponge bath in order to keep their stump dry. Once their umbilical stump has fallen off and they have fully healed from their circumcision, they can have a regular bath.

In the first few month of life, babies do not need daily baths. For some babies, overbathing the child can lead to drying of the skin. We recommend bathing the child a few times a week or when the baby becomes dirty.

While bathing your baby, it is important to keep a few safety tips in mind

  • Water temperature: Before placing your baby into a bath, check the temperature with the inside of your wrist. It should feel warm, but not hot. It is also recommended that you set your water heater so that the water that comes out of your faucet cannot be hotter than120 degrees Fahrenheit to help avoid burns.

  • Touch safety: It is important to always keep one hand on your baby while they take a bath to prevent drowning. We recommend making sure you have all the items you will need within reach prior to starting the bath to make this easier. Never leave a baby unattended in a bath.

For more information about bathing your baby, please visit