
Constipation is very common among toddlers. The “toddler diet” and resistance to use the toilet are the two most common causes of constipation at this age. If your child in struggling with constipation, you are not alone.

Toddlers often prefer foods such as crackers, bread, noodles, and rice. This is because these type of foods often are more predictable where other foods may surprise them by being more or less sweet, sour, bitter, or spicy from bite to bite.

  • Increase water in diet. Have a favorite cup filled with water available throughout the day for them to sip on. We do not recommend doing this with juice or flavoring to water with anything because of the risk of cavities.

  • Encourage them to sit on the toilet every day about 20 minutes after a meal, when the body naturally is trying to have a bowel movement

  • Increase “p” fruits in their diet such as prunes, peaches, plums, and pears. These can all help keep stool soft and easy to pass

  • In addition to starches, watch out for hidden constipating foods such as excess dairy, bananas, and dried fruits.

For more information about managing your child’s constipation, please visit